Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ondi Timoner

Ondi Timoner
's We Live in Public (2009) documents Josh Harris (above) who loses a tech-bubble fortune in the same way a careless lottery winner would: by blowing it all. Along the way, Harris intentionally rejects his family, friends, and investors by over-documenting himself. His volunteered lack of privacy in the name of a webcam "project" destroys a romantic relationship, for example. He also sends a coldly impersonal video message to his ill mother (second still). And, he undermines the value of the ventures he starts up with irrational behavior. Timoner's approach to making a documentary about such a hard-to-take main character is to focus on sweeping social movements and the origins of today's internet oversharing. Timoner edited copious amounts of home video footage to portray the crazy mid-90s time in New York City when a group of people willingly participated in Harris's experiments.
Creative Commons License
Documentary Starts Here by Nancy Kalow is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.